“All broken things can be fixed. The hard part is deciding that they’re worth fixing.”

First of all, let me just start by saying that I listened to this on audiobook after being bullied (thank you, Stacy) into reading it and finished it while sitting at my desk at work bawling my eyes out. I was super hesitant to read this because of how emotional the reviews were, I honestly wasn’t sure I could handle it. I’m so glad I put on my big girl panties and took the dive. This story tears you apart and puts you back together so many times and in so many visceral ways. I imagine reading it would do the same, but I have to say listening to Stefanie Kay and Neill Thorne bring this story to life was an experience in itself.

The Wrong Heart is a story not only about finding love in another, but about finding love in yourself when the world has shown you nothing but pain. From losing a spouse to never knowing the love of a parent, Jennifer Hartmann has created a story that will leave you breathless.

“You’re what I’ve been waiting for. You’re what I’ve been searching for my whole life, and I didn’t even know it”

While not your traditional hero, Parker has found his way into my heart as one of my all time favorite men. With his dark past (and present) and seemingly dark future, it would only make sense that he would find that light in his darkness from his moon, Melody. Melody, who is always described as sunshine, is trying to find her way back from the tragic loss of her husband. It’s a loss that has driven her to risk taking her own life and sends her to a therapy group for people who have attempted suicide where she meets Parker. I can’t tell you how many times I have a complaint about the female lead in books; “why is she so whiny,” “don’t do that, you idiot!” “ugh, really, that’s your plan?!” You get the picture… Melody is none of those women, she’s brave, bubbly (not overly so), full of heart, open to love, persistent, and so kind. While she has a naturally sunny disposition, this story is also about her growth, the highs and lows, the struggles and celebrations.

“Parker is the opposite of me in every way, the antithesis to my very soul, and yet I’m drawn to him somehow. There’s a darkness inside of him that speaks to my light.”

If you’ve read the blurb you know the premise for the book is Melody’s loss of her husband, Charlie and the donation of his heart to an unknown person. There are very heavy themes in this book that I highly encourage readers to consider. With that being said, this story is not what you would expect. There are plot twists and turns that had me sending my friend messages like “WTF is happening?!” I loved every moment of this book and will be purchasing a copy to have on my shelves. It’s one of those books you want to hold and experience for the first time again and again.

“I think you saved my life that night.”

Read this book, fall in love, have your heart broken and put back together. Do it all with a box of tissues right next to you and DON’T listen to the epilogue while at work!