This story is more like one of those LitRPG books in the way that spells and abilities are talked about. About the only thing missing is the characters in the story spending their experience points or skill points. Well, and of course they don’t (at least so far) speak to someone leveling up.

The first part of the story is either poorly read or poorly edited. They might even have used software to remove all pauses between sentences. The pace of the reading sounds very unnatural for the first several hours. Sections of dialog are much better but when the story first begins there are no natural pauses or anything. It makes me feel like I am listening to a computer read the story to me. It doesn’t sound natural at all.

If you like LitRPGs you will like it, but it is a light version of a standard LitRPG. But if you don’t like that type of story then stay away from this one.

I think that if the reading sound more natural it would have been more bearable as Joel seems to do a good job, less he is the one that actually reads with no natural pauses. I have previewed some of his other work and you can actually hear him inhale and pause now and then so I blame the editor(s) of the audio book for Joel’s performance being lower than what it should have been.

I regret this purchase.