I really enjoyed this one. I think you need to read the prequel before starting this series. I mean it will all makes sense eventually but it fits together better if you read the prequel.

Ember doesn’t remember time traveling or the events in the prequel. It’s been 6 months. Her father is missing and her mom is in a coma. She’s basically just been working and visiting her mom. Until people start following her and she starts hearing voices when she gets close to the supply closet at her job(again if you read the prequel this makes sense). She eventually gets her memories back and travels back in time to try and save her mother.

I love Ember. Honestly I really love all the characters in this book… especially Rane. He’s a vampire who shows up every time Ember travels to the past. And he’s the best!

If you like time travel books with paranormal elements and fiercely strong characters, then pick this series up!!
