A book worthy of being read or listened too. While on the surface that statement may not appear to speak very highly of the author’s efforts, let me go on record as stating that this book exceeding my expectations. KUDOS to S. L. Rowland for bringing his vision to fruition.

I was initially somewhat skeptical when Mr. Rowland offered his book free of charge if I would but submit an honest review. Skeptical? Indeed, for just before PANGEA ONLINE was made available to the public READY PLAYER ONE hit the market in book form and wad
was made into a movie which is currently showing in theaters across the United States.

The books are similar in that two writer’s get the same idea and pursue the task of writing their book. Being an inquisitive type person, I purchased READY PLAYER ONE.

So I happily go on record, as a public service to my fellow readers everywhere, “If you see the movie, or read READY PLAYERS ONE, without checking out PANGEA ONLINE, you will be the one who’s missing the full experience.” I encourage you to listen or read both books.

Both books start out in a future version of Earth where a particular class of person lives in cubicles or stacks. The people of both future worlds are heavily into online gaming. However, at this point our stories take on different tales to be told, visions to be seen, imaginations everywhere to be tweaked.

Oh yes indeed, I do sincerely encourage you to buy-read-listen to both stories. Just as I did… you won’t regret it!