Obviously, by the end of the book our titular characters are all Underlords. Things come about in fascinating ways, but the end result was never in question. Again, our OP MC doesn’t yet realize how much of a beast he’s become. He can only see where he isn’t yet. The perpetual thought process of those who started off downtrodden and ignored. Treated as trash by all but his closest family members.
Now he’s borderline unstoppable to all at his level and he doesn’t even know it. I love it! By book 7 of most series I’ve read the hero has clearly earned their power, and this is no different. Lendon isn’t a bloodthirsty monster, but a thinking man who wishes to resolve issues without bloodshed if at all allowed. Too bad his adversaries are so far up their own asses that they can’t see how outmatched they are.
The mentors of Lendon haven’t even died! None of them! Give them some distance from the MC and use them elsewhere. Let your titular heroes do for themselves and make them fight characters who aren’t even truly villains. Adversaries/antagonists are just as useful and formidable. Stronger, experienced, and confident with endless resources only allows your heroes to make new stronger enemies later.
Mr. Baldree continues to do an outstanding job. The fact that Lendon is becoming like his first benefactor, The Phoenix, shouldn’t be lost on anyone.
I’m happy with how it all is going. I expect that Mr. Wight will stick the landing.