The few collaborative fictions I’ve consumed recently have been less than impressive (exceptions being James A. Corey and most of Sean Platt’s collaborations). Five Roads came as a refreshing surprise, and it reminded me to not give up on genres or writing styles that may have disappointed me in the past.

Five Roads is one story told by multiple authors. The beauty lies in just how well the stories and characters have been woven together. It held my interest with an iron grip and kept me guessing. Emotions were raw and uncensored, action was fast and exciting, and justice was served Deadwood-style! No family-friendly language, fluff or filler was found here. Just a post-apocalyptic zombie drama overflowing with butt-kicking goodness! I’m looking forward to more from the Five Roads universe.

Andrew B Wehrlen lends his narrating talents, enhancing the story with lively emotion and a natural voice. Having heard several of Andrew’s other narrations, he is clearly progressing in his craft and I would love to hear more from him.

(I requested this free review copy audiobook and voluntarily posted this unbiased review.)