We got to know Anders in Unwritten Law, book 1 of the series. Codependent, filled to the brim with anxiety, PTSD, triggers, needing to lie habitually to seem normal and a neediness that is off the charts. In this story, Anders and Brody become a couple and grow. Anders has to overcome hugely debilitating hurdles to even be in the presence of the man he desires deep down. What I love about this book is that we see the internal struggle Anders has (his actual thoughts) as well as his external manifestations (his actions). On the outside he may look happy and calm but on the inside his anxious thoughts are racing as fast as his heart. Brody is absolutely clueless that Anders has problems at first and has to learn and grow with Anders. That is a challenge that has its own ups and downs, but Brody is amazing (though fallible). The really cool thing about the story is that Anders and Brody are constantly learning about each other and the need for clear communication, even though it is super difficult. Also, there is never an expectation that Anders will be 100% ‘cured’ so they can be a good couple- they both come to realize that getting better bit by bit and learning to manage will be their normal. The journey towards managing Anders mental health positively is a long one- hard fought- and full of enough interesting details to keep the story moving. This story deals with the after effects of a nearly deadly domestic violence attack, and might be a trigger for some. The audiobook is fantastic- Antony Ferguson is a new narrator to me and is phenomenal. Joel Leslie is one of my favorites and is amazing in this story.