Ok, let me start by saying that the reviews I read left me prepared to suspend some disbelief at police procedure and let go of some of my nit picking at plot holes. Normally, these things can absolutely ruin a story for me. But in this instance, I was willing to overlook them. This book just came to me at a time when it was in line with my life. I’ve been involved in a deep study of my bible and I had just finished Matthew and Genesis when I began this book. I found that a book that threw back to my bible study was possibly more intriguing than it would have been otherwise so my enjoyment of this may have been inflated a little. I just really freaking enjoyed this. I’m a fan of Jeremy Robinson and this was a different book for him in some ways. The philosophical questions it delved into were closer to Alter than most of his work. However, there was still plenty of action and fighting to remind me of his typical horror/suspense. Now, if you are going to roll your eyes at biblical references or the idea of a God, you’re probably going to enjoy this far less. However, for me, especially right now, this was one of my favorite Robinson books. There are some far fetched scenarios (like having a preacher visit a crime scene and participate in the investigation) which I think the author could have done a bit better at weaving into a more believable scenario but since I knew going in that I needed to just overlook this, I was able to enjoy the book. I think this is a good mixture of Robinson’s horror and suspense with a bit of the “higher questions” that felt more in the vein of Alter (although to a lesser degree). I admit that I thought Alter was a masterpiece so if you hated it, you may not find the same enjoyment in NPC.