I listen to a lot of post-apocalyptic fiction, and this is at the top of the class. Beautifully written with a smooth flow, artful pacing, interesting characters, plausible scenes and believable dialogue. The characters are relatable, the circumstances are factual, and the performance is a joy to listen to.
The only quibble I have is that the female lead’s inner Mama Bear is really slow on the uptake… and while that might have been done to deliver dramatic tension, instead it made me want to smack her in the back of the head and tell her to get her act together. But maybe that’s just me. I like her enough to forgive her that, and the emotional territory she hails from in the beginning is effectively drawn and engaging.
The male lead is everything he should be for a story like this, a man’s man with a scar-filled history and a satisfying evolution. His internal dialog and personal struggle seem very spot-on for the kind of man he is. I recognize him, I know real men very like him
I even like the prime protagonist, he’s not the usual stark and mono-dimensional mustache-twirler you typically see. Some of the minor bad guys are a little less well developed, but hey, they’re minor characters and don’t have a lot of stage time.
If you’re looking for one of the instruction-laden stories that will train you on everything you need to know to survive TEOTWAWKI, you’ll be disappointed, but if you’re looking for a well written and well read tale that is a satisfying journey, you’re in the right place.