I adored this book, it is a great young adult novel, heartfelt and entertaining. Philline Harms is a new to me author, I did not look her up until after I finished the book. I was amazed to find she is a young adult herself, well that kind of explains how she captured the essence of teenage living so well. To publish a novel at 17 years old is a great accomplishment, especially one that is so good. This book is 15 hours long and it engrossed me from start to end. The storylines and characters are interesting and well developed. I loved how she was able to bring us along side the characters, inside their heads, to learn how they felt and what they were going through. It saddens me, that to this day people shun their own kids because of their sexuality, whether it be for religious reasons or just plain homophobic hate. Hello, it is 2019, acceptance is key to living a healthy, happy life, hate only destroys. OK, off my soap box and back to the story. I really liked Jules Hatcher and his best friends Nate and Emily. I loved how Jules and Hunter 1st met and how the author came up with her title. Also loved the chemistry between them. I really felt bad for Jules and the treatment he received from his parents. I did not care for the over the top antics and bullying he received from Victoria or the power Jules’ parents gave her to hold over him and Hunter. Were his parents so blind they could not see thru her lies? I can say the three things that annoyed me in this book, Jules’ Mom, Dad and Victoria, made a great team of ignorant and narcissistic idiots. IMO. I highly recommend this book, it has lots of drama, angst, some laughs and lot of emotions. Thanks for this great story Philline Harms, I hope this is a start to a long writing career, you are gifted and have a way with words.

I listened to the Audible edition, Maxwell Zener is a wonderful narrator and voice performer. He performs the voices of all the characters bringing each to life with their own voice and personality. He is an entertaining storyteller and a pleasure to listen to. Thanks for this great listen?