I love Kevin Pierce’s voice. When Kevin puts out a true crime novel for Audible, I listen. With that said, he did an awesome job with this book as well. However, even though I’d argue that the writer started out in excellent fashion, as a an author on par with Jack Olsen, that doesn’t prove to be true by the end. His opinion heavily clouds the book. Technically, nothing new is added or revealed once you get to about 3/4’s, maybe a bit sooner, through the book. Other than the author’s continual grand standing, which is to say his continual, “I’m not a convicted felon” rant, therefore he doesn’t have to listen to Tracy. Journalistic integrity was what the author hid behind for his excuse in terms of how he dealt and argued with Tracy. But honestly, journalistic integrity should also convey the truth with out opinion and that’s not the case here. At one point I thought, why write the book. What does this book actually add to the tale?