Normally if I’m writing a review for a book I’m half finished with its not gonna be good. This is the exception. I’ve been checking up on Amazon waited for another book to come and here it finally is and it’s great if you love the series.
I enjoyed the first book although it was quite childish and even very obscene at times but the book made me laugh out loud several times which is pretty rare for me.
I used to feel the same way about the caverns and creatures series but those books have steadily declined with each new release so I was a bit hesitant how to feel about this series as a whole until I listened to the second book and it was just as great as the first, which also made the anticipation for the third that much greater.
So far I’m loving it, spoiler alert. when they meet the Jade King and boxy acts typical boxy and jumps the gun I was laughing my ass off.
Reading up on the author makes me love the series and be hopeful for new books that much more.
The author who had only wrote this series has explained that they have a full time job and it’s not writing, i.e. they don’t need to pump out new books that for a pay check which is how the C&C books feel.
Keep it coming, why didn’t Audible have an alert system yet to alert you when a new book in a series or by an author is released?