The premise of the story could have been interesting, it really could have. However, between the piss pour writing and one of the worst narrators I’ve ever heard, this book goes all the way to the bottom of the barrel in my eyes.

There is literally no subtlety. Everything that comes out of the mc’s mouth is cheezy and forced. He’s constantly telling the reader how to feel instead of showing us anything to care about. I gave this a shot because the premise was interesting, but there was nothing worth while. A better narrator might have been able to bring this up a star, but as it is every character sounded like they’re on the tail end of puberty, even the villains. It’s really hard to take a dark overlord seriously when your expecting his voice to start cracking mid sentence.

Guy takes everything at face value, asks almost no questions and does next to nothing in every fight. You could replace him with a cardboard cutout and no one would know the difference.

The idea of two worlds with vastly different structure(magic vs technology) is a good one. It leaves lots of room for interesting ideas. The execution leaves me dissatisfied. Aside from that the author decided to forgo a story of trial by fire to make us listen to babysitting. This just in, escort quests are still boring. Instead of tagging along with a young vip into a world where everyone wants to kill him or use him, the author skips 6 months ahead a dumps him into the aftermath as a fresh naive idiot who needs constant care or he’ll keal over.

The author tries to establish a moral code for the MC, a vow here, another stupid decision there. It falls flat, and nothing feels desirved. There is no emotional investment into anyone that dies. I can’t even remember one of their names.

Tldr: don’t bother with this one unless you enjoy picking apart bad stories.