I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’ve listened to a lot of LitRPGs and this is one of the better constructed ones. The main character is a very interesting take on a protagonist. He’s not noble, but he’s honorable; he’s not a nice guy, but you still find yourself rooting for his every move. He’s a very interesting “gray area” type of protagonist that is challenging to pull off in a convincing way, but Castle manages to do it.

The only complaint I have, minor as it may be, is the way the MC’s stats are listed at the end of every chapter. This is easy enough to get around by simply skipping to the next chapter when the listing starts.

Jeff Hays does a phenomenal job at narration, as he always does. I rarely lost track of who was speaking and almost never got confused about the story. The few times I did, it was due more to an outside distraction rather than a failure on the part of the narrator.

Overall, I highly recommend this book to any LitRPG fans. This is one I’ll probably be coming back to multiple times.