This is infinitely better than the Extinction Cycle which was repetitive by book three.
I’d say it’s tied with Commune for post apocalyptic, but Commune isn’t a zombie story. So they can share the podium as far as I’m concerned…
As far as zombie apocalypse type stories go, this one is excellent. A lot of them tend to get repetitive, I.e. Find a base. Build it up. Get over run. Find another base. Get over run. OR encounter a zombie, then discover a more dangerous one. Over. And over. And over.
And for that reason, it gets 5 stars. The scenarios stay fresh. Obviously there are some of the zombie troupes you’re familiar with, but it doesn’t repeat any of them, instead running through the entire catalog the genera has at its disposal at a comfortable pace.
If I had one complaint, it’s that the main character is a little bit immature…by book ten you’d think that the end of the world would have drilled some maturity in to what seems to be an eternally petulant 21 year old bro. But I have to say that, although it grinds my nerves on a regular basis, the contrast between Zed and Murphy makes for great story telling. This is the best zombie series I’ve read (listened to).