I have followed Brown from his first book. It is fun to watch a new author grow and develop with each book. Brown is turning into a talented storyteller.

The book is well written. The first half of the book is preparing for war and gaining alleys and new equipment. The last half of the book is the war for two key planets in the Alliance. The action takes place on land and in space. Brown was always a good battle screen writer, but he has greatly improved since book one. He can now balance multiple actions and different types of battles. It is great to see how the characters have developed. I have a feeling the series is nearing the end; maybe one or two more books. I can see how a new series could be created about the rebuilding of the worlds in the Alliance. I cannot wait for the next book to come out.

The book is eleven hours and thirteen minutes. Jeffrey Kafer does an excellent job narrating the book. Kafer has been the narrator for the entire series.