I absolutely loved this series & was almost sad to see it come to a close. It actually has some useful ideas in it too & at the end of one of the books it also tells how/where to get more great ideas for EMP preparedness. While some may disagree I really liked how this was given from a Christian perspective & think that everyone should read/listen to these books. Both because it’s a damn good story & also for mental preparedness as countless people don’t understand how bad it will get if the day comes where an EMP is actually set off. I’ll even be recommending this to people who would never normally read books on related topics as it’s that good. The story definitely chose a happy medium of how bad an EMP could be in this country. Besides describing what took place when people were actually shot I found this series to also be relatively clean mannered, so would also recommend this for alot of different ages. Especially how it speaks of how we’re supposed to be living according to God’s word vs. what is now common place for people to do now. In that way it’d also be a great series for some teens to read/listen to.