This might become my favorite series by this author! I loved her paranormal series she previously had under another name that she is now moving until this name, but this series has me in a hold and I am loving it so much.

We start the book off with a bang, following the confrontation that had us on the edge of our seats in book 1. Briar has to live with what happened, the guys are there for her even more, and more walls are finally broken between Briar and the last remaining guy. I loved seeing him break and boy was I not ready for his Dom/kinks hahaha. I think that bathtub scene was kinda out of left field but I was here for it (not my kink, but it was definitely steamy and she loved it so I was good haha). I was happy Travis finally revealed things to Briar so most of the secrets are out in the open. I wasn’t shocked when Briar’s mom begged her to agree to the engagement since things weren’t what they seem but the big reveal in the book I didnt see coming. I thought maybe there was a twin or something, since the baddie had mentioned a guy and lying or something. I am interested to see how things are resolved and the last secrets come out in book 3. I heard the last one is coming out soon so that is a relief, I am itching to read the 3rd book but I love these narrators so much so I want to wait to listen and finish out the trilogy.

Ok so the STEAM and relationship building in this book is fabulous. I am falling for these guys so much. There are so very heated moments but som adorable swoon worthy moments too. I want a boyfriend like one of the twins in my life hahah. And maybe has some of the possessiveness of Cole and Travis too haha. I loved the good side characters, seeing some more airtime with them. I loved the puppies too, can’t forget them haha. The ending was shocking, I am intrigued to see how the author gets us out of this, especially with the one part of the story, but also with all the women disappearances and deaths. Plot is amazing, well-paced and flow was perfect ❤️

Narration was spectacular again. I am really digging this female narrator, she did a great job in this one like she did in book 1 (first time I had heard her). She had to handle a lot of tough things in book 2 and she emoted everything so well. I felt her anguish and conflict with the thing that happened in book 1, the reveal that rocked her world in this one, the steam and anticipation with the guys (especially not that Travis is in the mix too), the anger and pity towards her mom, etc. I loved having a male narrator in this one too (with the guys’ POVs which was awesome). He did a great job, I have listened to him before but he was really good in this one (I think because there wasn’t accents to make it difficult/have any issues). Easily 5/5 for narration, cannot wait for book 3!!

🎧 Audiobook Obsession Reviewer – Flock Team 🎧