LL Akers has created a fascinating set of characters in this series. The story centers around Grayson and his extended family. Separated from his wife, and with his brother separated from his wife as well (who just happens to be the sister of Grayson’s wife), everyone is trying to make it to the homestead. And then there is Graycie, Grayson’s daughter who is at college and trying to make her way home. There are a lot of seedy characters in this one, and some very endearing ones. The great thing about these series is how similar but different they all are. They are never boring. The action and suspense are nonstop.
Kevin Pierce is and always will be the voice of the apocalypse. Hearing his narration of these books will never get remotely dull. Now it’s to the point where you can’t listen to one without him narrating it. Well done. Can’t wait for book 2.