So This is my honest review for a gifted copy during the Covid-19 experience. <3 Thanks for giving me the chance to read said Book @ Allen Gamboa.

-Over all

You’re basically thrusted into the beginnings of how the plague/zombie virus is started. This all because of Mr. Black the Evil greedy Antagonist and a Bastard he simply is. If you’ve read Book 1 Dead Island Operation Zulu then you aint no stranger with Mr. Black. forgive me also if made a mistake with the name lol But this rich dipshit is an ass with a name basically i deem worthwhile. Simplistic and very descriptive to the core. Not EVIL EVIL but just enough to pass under the radar as someone who deems himself above all.

Some of the characters in the mix are i believe a few the characters in book one but dont hold me to that as i feel a bit that it may be so. But that aside it aint no government conspiracy or foreign Gov with their secret Bio weapon. It’s all Mr. Blacks endeavor to be rich. With that said read the book/or listen to the Audio book for you to really sink your teeth into. NO more spoilers if there are any.

Performance wise: XD i find it a little funny how the Narrator pushes the American Latino speak during the session XD. I don’t think its a poor attempt but rather it’s just a it funny for me as someone who lives in central latin America hearing an english speaker tryna mimic an Us/Mexican accent. I find it epic and funny lmao and it does keep me going through lol.

Story wise: It’s a whole new way to starting off the supposed zombie outbreak or how its created lol I suppose its random imo but its different. It does take you a bit off tangent though. Majority of the story is basically a blackops mission to collect not an asset but rather a high prioriity target. All in a days work for an under the table snatch and grab i guess. So you have less zombies and this is more to the middle or near the last 2-3 hours where you start seeing more and more of the outbreak occuring all due to the stupidity of the scientist involved and i would think Mr. Black’s attempt to give 0 F***s about what his merchandise is doing.

Though this for me wasn’t much of a big exciting explosive “Beginning” It passes for me as yeah ok that happened and i understand where things came from. I will say tho… Listening to a momma’s boy’s attempt at tryna get momma’s approval has been one of the single most enjoyable times ever lmao. “MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!” lmao

My rating compared to book 1 is 8/10 i personally believe this should have been a bit more umff into the mix . This felt more of Cartel story than well zombie related. <3 not hating though. Just needed more screams/real hardcore firefights and i guess more gusto. Give it a listen/read. Character development is great imo. Narator did his job and Author brought a new outlook to what we as humans can do or cause due to our own whims.