The Primals have changed over the past two years. Now they were like wolves or lions, fierce pack hunters. They were smarter than humans first imagined. They were now part of the food chain, apex predators who hunted the same game humans hunted. Brad decided that this time he would finally journey to find his family, or what could be found of them. A new threat appears from a man that envisions taking over the country and heading his own form of government. Looks like Brad’s desires will be put on the back burner once again. Brad, Sean and the rest of the gang once again head into battle; this time into a place called Crabtree. Women and children are captured and put onto trains to head north to the raider’s encampments. It’s up to Brad & crew to stop the raiders and get their people back. This audiobook was given by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review via Audiobook Boom.