Intense, engrossing story I couldn’t walk away from. Even when I had to take time away from the story, because, hey, it’s a freaking long story. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The characters are fully fleshed out, some broken, others stable, and most multidimensional.

I think my favorite character is the villain. Not that I liked him in an “I hope he gets away with it” sense. But that while he killed without compunction he also had his standards and a few soft spots. A truly complex character.

The story was full of expertly woven layers that kept me guessing, yet also kept my full attention.

The narrator did a great job with most of the voices, but it took me a while to get used to him and I found that he read a few of the voices a bit too slow for my tastes even with the speed increased. Overall, he did well and the further into the book the better he got. I will have no problem listening to him in future books.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes good romantic suspense.