OMG am I glad I read other reviews or what… I was curious that the same author and the same narrator as Omega Force creator team would produce another book together. In itself there is nothing unusual of course about winning teams coming back together for more awesomeness. But nothing rang the bell for Omega Force. So I didn’t get the book until months later when I read the reviews!!! I was so happy and annoyed at the same time lol I desperately waited for another OF book and here it was (in a way) and I missed it!!! Of course I got it. Of course I listened to it all in 2 days. SO mean of the author to NOT let us know in plain words lol arghhhh…I only wish I got it sooner. I love this branching out from the main story line. The universe this team built is so fascinating and so fun. There is one spot early on in the book where the narrator says Jason instead of Jacob. That made me smile. I love both of those characters! I miss Jason and the crew tho… can’t wait for another one of their books.
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