I have been a fan of alternate history for many years and even write it in my spare time online. So, I am always interested in new stories I have not heard of. Now, that said, I only listened to this because I am part of an online group helping to write a shared universe story at an AH site and the world as depicted in the book was introduced. So, I had to learn the story in order to write something related to it.

Without giving the story away, it takes place in an alternate world where it is matriarchal and men are second class citizens being that more women exist then men. Throw in a romance between a royal princess and a lowly man and a subplot involving nefarious elements trying to over the government and that is the story, more or less.

That said I was not impressed by the book which is more of a romance novel than an actual AH story. The author seemed to focus more on this aspect, then telling us much about the world it took place in which is important to me. By picking up bits and pieces here and there I did finally come to figure it all out. The story did have its moments of action, but seemed to drag often, going off into detailed passage which were, well, boring. I understand the author’s intention of wanting to depict a society where gender control is versed, which comes across clearly in the story. I was disappointed as to how the male characters were depicted.

As to the reading of the book, it was okay and the reader did a fair job. Though, it was hard to distinguish who was talking at times, when the reader switched between the female and male characters, which was confusing for me. So, overall, it was okay. If you are into AH, I would have to give it a thumbs down. If you are more into romance stories, then yes, the reader would like it.