This book was just okay. It was a little bit like Ready Player One but no where near as good. It was also too political for my taste. I felt that agendas were being pushed on me which I don’t appreciate. I was also fairly annoyed that they call Tanks defenders and DPS strikers. This book made a lot of references to current pop culture even though it was supposed to take place decades from now, which made no sense. There was virtually no character development. I didn’t like nor dislike the main character and I knew virtually nothing about any of the other characters. It just wasn’t very engaging and for a LitRPG it was lacking. I can’t stand when authors drone on and on about stats and in this book in particular the author went over the MC’s stats repeatedly and even all the achievements to the point where I eventually had to skip a minute or two every single time. I got this book for free so I’m not complaining but I’m also not going to give it a high rating because I would not listen to it again and I am not continuing with the series.