Don’t get why so many people insist letting everyone else know, that they know that “the science is flawed. Who effin cares. We get it, you watched Bill Nye as a kid and we are all just too dumb to understand how time travel “actually works.” Neil Tyson got everyone thinking they are physicists. It’s a scifi/fantacy book. Dragons don’t exist either, but they are awesome in stories. If you want hard science, read a text book.


As a stand alone book, Flux is not great. While it was at least a complete story (all original characters, a full story and an ending that at least had some closure), it is just far fetched, cheesy and doesn’t really accomplish anything. It only leaves you intrigued at the end when the Others characters appear to reveal they are a part of a story universe.

But.. When placed in the Infinate timeline and viewed as part of the series, it is…well…it’s still just OK. The kookiness of the science, action and characters does fit right in line with the rest of the Infinate saga.

My main issue with Flux is that it just seems unnecessary. Nothing is pivotal to the series. Like it was this huge production just to say time travel exists and confirming that the “Crypto” is a dinosaur.
Also, if memory serves me right all of the other books are read by RC Bray, totally rad, but having this one book read by Kafer is torture.