Ohhhh yeah I’m hooked on Rick and his sister’s story. And surprisingly I never thought that I would say this about an action-driven story ARC but bk2 is kinda a slice-of-life. Explaining how Rick gets stronger after he leaves the quazy legal fighting arena. The day to day chores of finding a new job, dealing with abrasive people, and of course killing monsters like jackalopes and a rabid dragon. Even when confronted by Granny he managed to slip past her without being tripped by her ridiculous schemes…
So if you liked book1, you’re gonna find yourself having a good time when you start book2… and Travis Baldree narration is super.

Here’s a couple of quotes that gave me a good laugh:

“I own the place, I can have as many real or fake excuses as I want, but I don’t like hiring girls.”

“Rick you look like you fell out of the exhaustion tree and hit every branch on the way down.”

“A long time ago, somebody thought they could take advantage of the legends and twisted normal rabbits into those creatures. The details are sketchy, some kind of lucrim-enhanced manipulation of the shope papilloma virus. I never paid much attention to that part.”