This is my first book by Ms. Cotton and oh what a book! I didn’t even realize it is a prequel until after I’d finished and went looking for the next one, but I’m so glad it is. I cannot wait to read more! Ms. Cotton adds a few new spins on the rock star romance genre and keeps you wanting more.

I was introduced to Ms. Puckett’s southern drawl in this book and as usual was not disappointed. She provided a convincing southern, teenage accent for the characters and made me think of sipping sweet tea in wicker chairs on a front porch. Ms. Puckett also sings – legit sings – in this novel. I’ve read other books that had lyrics in them before, but never had a narrator take the time to put them to music and provide both the vocals and the instrumentation. It was certainly a treat and added more authenticity to the novel.

I certainly recommend this series and I hope the remaining books (and many more to come) are released soon!

I was provided with a free copy of this audio book for my honest review. The views expressed here are entirely my own.