If you wished that Space team had even more of Hutchison’s trademark humor, then you’ll love Sidekicks. Especially if you’d prefer it with less space travel and more superhero action.

It’s so fonking funny that I laughed out loud a bunch, which is a rare thing for someone with RBF (resting jerk face). It’s 11 hours long, but doesn’t seem that long. The story flows at a brisk pace, but doesn’t seem rushed.

This is one of Phil Thron’s best performances, in my opinion. It seems like he genuinely enjoyed the book as a reader, not just as narrator.

As I listened to the Space Team books and moreso this one, I wondered how he could read this without cracking up every other paragraph. I figured that it’s just sheer professionalism. The last few minutes of the audiobook gave the answer in the form of some outtakes, which are a rare treat, and from which I borrowed my headline.

I am looking forward to the next installment.