There were several things that were unbelievable, inconsistent, illogical, or just wrong. Like the main character’s handgun changing calibers. It’s possible. There are conversion kits, but I would think the author would mention it rather than the gun being a 357 one minute and 9mm a little later. Their horses could apparently average 20-30mph for days. The things that happened with knives and throwing stars… the author has apparently heard some technical words related to shooting, but often used them wrong. At one point people were being shredded by the rimless, bottleneck cases of the 308 round. The case isn’t the part that comes out of the barrel. Some ammo credited for causing firearms to malfunction was the cheap brass stuff… 5 years after the apocalypse – with incredibly scarce resources – the moment one of the bad guys makes it into the main guy’s hideout, he set it on fire, destroying an unknown but large cache of resources. It could happen, but it just didn’t make sense.
The main character was supposed to have been a West-Point graduate and was repeatedly referred to as. A warrior, but his tactics stunk. At one point he was rushing a group of men – there to kill him – with guns out- he had the drop on them, but took the time to stop and holler at them for several seconds before pulling the trigger, and they apparently stood there the whole time he was hollering and did nothing. There were so many instances of total disregard for what should be pretty basic tactics, that there is no way this guy survives.
He apparently alternates shooting hands with his slingshot, because some of the time the hand holding the handle is the one releasing the pouch at other times. I know it’s harsh, but I hope Mr. Abrams will recruit some additional proof readers and technical SMEs in the future to help fill in his gaps in knowledge.
Review from The Traveler Series →