First off -I’m a Conservative Christian and a Creationist. Also a Prepper. You would think the author and I would get along great.
When BLM has vague theories about how “they” are out to abuse, suppress, and kill black people, their evidence is always lacking and thrown into a endless unprovable vague black hole of “they”,”white people”, “the government”, “the police”.
When I was young and inexperienced I fell for this same kind of nonsense.
The unfortunate thing is the inexperienced right wing does the exact same thing with their conspiracies… it’s absolutely no different.
Sometime listen to Don Shipley bust phoney Navy Seals… The phonies usually trick people who aren’t prior military because they talk a lingo that sounds right due to Hollywood. Real insiders spot phonies really quickly and can tell they are completely inexperienced.
For goodness sake, be self reliant, self supporting, and prepare but anytime someone uses a vague term like “they”, the government”, “the military”, “the illuminati” agree to only continue the conversation if the accuser can identify specifically who they are talking about and why they would have the power to do what they are accusing.
Just by going by that rule, you will eliminate over 99% of nonsense conversation and arguments
Sorry bro- hope your EMP book is good because I’m going to try it out after I return this book