Well of course, David Brenin does the job of intransing my mind and pulling me in to a world were humans are the ones destroying the world they invited aliens to come to. He gets me every time.
Now on to meeting Razor, Hunter’s older brother and Jesse’s new brother-in-law. Razor is the final solution. He is called in when there are no clear results taking place. He makes it happen and that is final. He gets to Chicago and there was no reason for anything to change for this city. That was until one of the opposing sides decide to take down his helicopter. This destructive event leads him to the woman from the picture. The woman that he can’t stop thinking about. Kali Parks is a force to be reckoned with. She strong, smarty, savvy, and her brother and their peoples’ protector. Watching Kali tempt fate and Razor fight fate. The two of them just felt so right and once Razon had her right there. She was not going anywhere. At least that was what Razor thought. When she gets taking it brings down more then just a war. A cleansing comes upon Chicago.
There were some good secondary characters in this one and it was fun and interesting getting to know them.