With a group of unique “player characters”, descriptive combat, simple game mechanics and relatable story Noha Barnett has baited the hook. I greatly enjoyed this book, I’ve done two read throughs, one with the R content and one without. The story is simple yet satisfying, making it relatable to any gamer. The world is great, the idea of the game is unique. While there isn’t too much character growth or touchy feels between “players”, I believe that it fits the setting. The players are in a game, and even the people who know each other IRL are just co-workers. No one likes people digging in their business and friends don’t always get privy to each others lives. This lack of interaction doesn’t leave a hole however because it is filled by the Characters “contracted” weapons. I’ve read some reviews saying that this made the book “some teens wet dream”. Respectfully I disagree with those. The book is based in a game where that is a key feature and very effective marketing ploy. People play games to escape and there are multiple instances in the book were the MC declines the interaction to actually play the game and be with his friends. In closing all I can say is I can’t wait for the next book. If your still on the fence about picking this one up or not, DO SO, it will will speak for itself.