These are 2 separate stories, and they go well together. While it is interesting and fun to hear what the kids are up to, they mostly speak in an annoying lisp. It’s hard to tune it out, but not impossible. The narrator does an excellent job. He seems to laugh some while reading, which I liked, and keeps the children’s voices distinctive (he really shows his talent here). It’s odd to have children using so many “big” words, applying logic at a very adult level, but lisp and be no more than 3 years old.
It’s also very off-putting to go from a children’s conversation straight into a sexual situation of the parents.
The plot itself is good, and the playground is amazing (I want to visit!!), but I think I would have enjoyed it much more if the kids were 8-10, and not toddlers. Also, some buffering between the sex scenes and the children playing would have been appreciated. That would make the story less jarring.
Glad I listened, but won’t re-listen. Once was plenty.