I bought this on the merits of the 1st book, It had some Liberal propaganda scattered through it, But was overall enough fun that I figured it was worth the money because it almost felt like satire.

why else would they add a transvestite character that doesn’t talk, isn’t seen and only exists to have someone else make a throw away line about their transition.

you can’t be that actively offensive without it being a really bad joke right?

turned out, they are.

This book just got so preachey that I couldn’t stand it, every other page seemed to be a commentary on how everything bad in the world was due to nazi-conservitives fault.

Beyond that it was a rather bland book, But didn’t have any of the real fun or adventure of the 1st.

I hate how everyone became a cardboard cutout in between the two books and how bland the badguys were.

it was ‘evil bad president’ who gets away with ‘evil bad’ because of mind control and time manipulation.

and TWO evil clones.


an interesting aspect is that the author never hesitated to talk about Moses/Ultragod as black/African/PoC…

but as soon as Uptradevil is brought in they never talk about it again.

in the end, it’s not fun and it felt like sitting through a six hour sermon.

which sucks because the first book was fun.