I liked the first two books but neither of them really excited me much. Honestly, I found the first book a little of a struggle at some points and if I was not gifted this book I would have lost interest in the series after the second book. But with this book Hugo Huesca puts together a very exciting story as the characters try to find out who is behind the creation of the heros in the land. Ed finally encountering the heroes, good humor, mystory, alternate perspectives of an ongoing situation, the characters paving their own paths. I found myself wondering where this level of talent was in books 1 and 2, as well as wishing that the first 3 books could be better mixed together.
Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott do another great job as well. The sound effects added are very well placed and add to the emersion of the story. They have definitely become my favorite narration duo in the industry.