Ok, so this book was recommended to me a long time ago, and I finally got around to reading it. The writing is good, it has a great sense of humor, the characters are well-crafted, and the story is interesting. My one complaint is that the premise is the most Edgelord thing I have ever read, and it bothers the heck out of me. Literally every Hero except for one is an irredeemable violent psychopath, and every villain that has a name is a poor misunderstood victim of a society that never took the time to understand them. For a book that was so good at writing characters with fully-fleshed-out personalities and backstories, it’s a confusing decision to be so slavishly (see what I did there?) committed to a trope inversion that it becomes a different trope entirely. The author clearly has the ability to write complex characters and situations, but just chose not to when it came to planning out the book. Overall, it’s a lot of fun, not nearly as horny as the back cover might have you believe, and I’ll probably get the rest of the series. Maybe there will be some less “White Hat Bad!” in the sequels.