Disclaimer: While I received a promotion code for this audiobook, I hold reviews somewhat sacrosanct and all opinions expressed are true and valid. No one gets a free pass for a free book. Really glad I liked it or things could have gotten a little awkward…
I’m new to the superhero genre with Super Sale on Superheroes being my first and only exposure to the genre. While I enjoyed that series, The Rules of Supervillainy has cemented the genre as one of my favorites. Charles’ masterful use of dialogue is really the high point for me. While I tend to like longer stories, his writing style and skill makes it like a favorite TV show without all the commercials taking up 1/3 of the program.
The book starts off like a rocket right out of the gate and never slows down. It’s rare that I know I’m going to like a book within the first 5 minutes of listening to it. This is the 4th series of Charles’ I’ve listened to, and it is by far my favorite. While I enjoyed his Cthulhu and Agent G books a great deal and Jane Doe to a lesser extent, this one easily shoots to the top of not just my favorite of his but of any I’ve listened to in a good long while. Really good series.