(I wasn’t able to finish the book but these are my thoughts from the first half or more)

The book seemed like it could go somewhere, but the first 4 chapters weren’t even from either Vyper or Byron’s point-of-view, and that wasn’t a good sign for me. I kept listening–thinking it was some sort of long introduction–but even after Vyper and Byron got some “screen time” (so to speak) there were still several chapters from the side characters’ point-of-view, sometimes without the main characters even in the scene.

This might not even bother other people, but I go into a story for the main characters, and I only want a few of them. The book was already on the shorter side of what I listen to (at about 6 hours) and every time there was a chapter from either Toby or Elizabeth, I felt like that short amount of time (time I thought I’d get to see Vyper and Byron) was being wasted.

If the point-of-view that tells the story doesn’t bother you, and you don’t mind 4 different characters telling the story, then this review isn’t for you. I hoped this helped some of you out though.