This is the last book of the series of 5 books. my review may deal with the series as a whole and I may update my former review now that ive finished the series.

the biggest disappointment was in the title of this series. nuclear winter played very little part in the story which takes place during the first month of what is described as at least a 10 year process that gets worse over time.
I would have liked to see time unfold with the very likeable characters in the story.

The next issue I have is with the accuracy of how fallout works. I found the explanations and specific events involving characters near the blast of a ground destination of a nuclear warhead hard to believe was well researched. there was no explanation of wind direction or range of radioactive fallout however references are made to the air quality that contained fallout are present which if was radioactive would have very likely resulted in sickness or death.

I did like the characters and their journeys. I think the end of the series was very premature with many things left unanswered and now makes me wonder why they were ever even brought up.

I dont regret listening to the books but I will likely avoid titles by the same author. who seemed to take half a book and choped it into 5 short parts.

as for the performance, many of the characters are older and so having an older voice actor was reasonable choice. however his range of voices seems low and at times I got annoyed with what I can only describe as shakey voice and some whistling in S’s. I got used to it and I won’t say it was a bad job because the narrator did have good emotion and presence.