There is only so much sarcasm, pop culture references and breaking the fourth wall that can be crammed into one book before it becomes annoying or predictable. This book managed to do both.

This book had received some praise and the majority of reviews said the book was rather funny. Also, I heard the concept of Space Force was being crafted as a mockumentary series starring Steve Carell for Netflix, so I thought I’d pick up the book quasi related to the material. I certainly think the show on the topic will be better than the book.

The characters were so over the top which could be funny if the writing wasn’t equally over the top. Silly isn’t even the right word to describe the book as I enjoy silly, the Caverns and Creatures series is silly, the Magic 2.0 books are silly and both have plenty of enjoyable content. This bordered more along the lines of stupid, I think. I strongly dislike using that work to describe a book about invading aliens forcing humans to partake in a video game challenge to the death, but even when embracing the world Robinson creates, nearly everything is just, well stupid.

For any one enjoyable part of the book, there were maybe five that were unenjoyable and had me rolling my eyes. I considered even skipping some parts which is akin to sacrilege to me. Alas I didn’t and suffered through the book. Perhaps it just wasn’t to my taste.