I have read The other 3 series and loved them all. This has the same quality writing, but feels uniquely it’s own.
If you are looking to ride the coat tails of the other 3 black ocean series you may be disappointed.
This series focuses on very specific topics and helps flesh out a lot more of the lore and scope of this world.
It does not however flit around the galaxy as much with a small group of people. Instead it is a more static backdrop than the others. which is fine. Just don’t go into it this thinking it’s going to be the same. it’s not.
I still really enjoyed this book, probably my least favorite of the 4 but it has it’s merits and isn’t bad, just different. it also answers some questions I didn’t know I needed answered. lol
Give it a go if you like Black Ocean, just keep an open mind and enjoy the ride.