I got as a far as this book and decided to quit this series. It is an okay series…just okay. I would have quit earlier but I hoped the writer would have got their act together by the third book. They didn’t. The main character is is just painful to read. His interactions with his team and with the locals are very repetitive…just constant references to his galaxy/time period and then him having to explain technology versus magic over and over and over again followed by some terrible dialogue. Biggest issue with this series is that there is no real challenge, struggle, or sense of danger…pretty much the whole universe bends to give the main character what he needs, when he needs it, without having to really work for it…here are some magic powers, here is a vampire ally, here is a dragon, here is your dragon again because you lost it, here are better magic powers, here is a machine gun, here is a Harry Potter wand, here are some healing waters, here are a bunch of magic items, here are some people that just want to help because they are nice, here are a bunch a loyal warriors who have no reason to be loyal to you, here are some fighting lessons to make you the best fighter in the land, here are more healing waters, want magic hair…we have lots of that, here is an anticlimactic boss battle where everyone lives (x2). Oh ya, did you want a castle?…Here, have one! Everyone will love you there. Feels like the writer is still trying to figure out what they are doing. In a few years I bet this writer will be great. Performance was awkward and boring…feels like the voice talent needs a little more practice. If only they had RC Bray for this series….his voice can make anything sound good.