Overall disappointed, as the story—until this book—in both Noah and Elijah series, were otherwise entertaining.
— Narration: Excellent 10/10
— Story/Plot: (for this book, 4/10; for the series, 7/10)
— Dialogue: 4/10
— Writing Overall: 5.5/10
This 4th book pales compared to the prior three, and to the Noah series.
The DIALOGUES are distractingly unrealistic.
The PLOT is repetitious, with (e.g.) far too many, and weirdly detailed, combat scenes.
The discussions of FIREARMS evince an unfamiliarity by the writer (whom I otherwise really like from other books).
The COMBAT scenes alternate from pretty well done to absurdly naive.
The IMMATURITY of the protagonist’s expectations of the eternal Kingdom are (forgive me) ridiculously immature—and sure more with Islamic views of heaven than Scriptural.
But, Goodwin is still, otherwise, a good read. Just don’t go here unless you want to be bored.