The story has potential. There’s not really any character development or world building. Relevant world information is mostly provided as needed. A lot of things are skipped and did cause me some confusion. I still don’t understand the gauntlets. They shoot energy, that’s about all the explanation we get. Overall, it’s a pretty shallow experience. I wouldn’t call it bad though. It’s an average story with the rough makings of an interesting world and undeveloped characters. The only thing that I found particularly difficult to deal with was the main reader’s inability to enunciate any word ending in “ing”. His use of compound non-words “hadtuh” and many others was also a point of irritation for me. While that works for dialogue or an inner monologue, that’s not how he was using it. I think that’s just how he speaks. I also found it odd that he would very rarely properly enunciate an “ing” word and then 3 sentences later say the same word, endin’ it without the G. Listenin’ tuh him for 10 hours was difficult. I had to take a few breaks.