4 Stars for the narrators. 

Not usually a fan of dual narration but both narrators do an excellent job with this story. It is also the first time I listened to either of these narrators and I will definitely be giving them another shot.

Took away 1 Star for the audio because no matter how good the narrators are the whole email bit did not work. The emails were not bad it was the fact that the author insisted on having the to with the full email address, the from with the full email address, the date, the time and the subject listed and the narrator’s had to read it EVERY.SINGLE.TIME! For this reason, I will not be going forward with the audio books. I think I have to read these on my own (where I can skip over the unnecessary) to save myself from having to listen through that mess again. A simple to and from would have worked better. Sorry not sorry


3 I’m being generous stars.

I like this author. She is kind and writes really well. However, with this one she failed to make me feel the connection between the two MCs.

These guys are supposed to have some EPIC love story that has them pining for one another after 9 years. Hell Wild has written a book about it. BUT the love story is in the past. A past we barely get a glimpse of so it’s hard to see what all the fuss is about. I think there needed to be more of the past sprinkled in this one for me to get the feeling that these two belonged to one another because to be honest I thought their present selves belonged with other people.

Probably another thing the author should not have done was add people in their present that I liked better for the MCs. It’s a pet peeve of mine when authors are trying to sell me on a romance but put other interest in the mix. I was honestly more interested in seeing Ethan with Jax and Anders with Wild.  So, I am hoping those two get the happily ever after they deserve because they were too good for these guys. They are also the main reason I’m giving book 2 a shot. I want to see what happens with them 😆

Like I said, the story is well written but the execution could have been better. There was just too much that didn’t work for me but I’ll just leave it at this.