this book is definitely not for me. I was not a huge fan of the main protagonist. and the theme to The Story seems very lackluster. I don’t know what to me there seems to be too many common glares that I seen the genre just in a different tune. It is Well written in the dialogue is of a good quality. The overall those story is just not enjoyable to me. There’s also some holes when it comes to suspension of belief. finding a person that doesn’t have much of their essential body functions. Just doesn’t live long. If that was a superpower that is the worst superpower there is. I don’t know the book just seems It’s riding the coattails of the superhero era. Everything this seems very common the elements that are used. I guess it’s not as common in the novel world as it is in other media. and I think the main turn off to me is the protagonist.

I don’t have much to say I don’t recommend this book. it’s fan service without any good storytelling. If that’s up your alley then you’ll like the book.