let me start by saying that I like rpg, playing d&d regularly and a read quite a few litRPG.

The good parts in this book:
has funny moments, unique lead, and has some ‘bigger picture’ forshadowing. Also, the narration is good.

The parts I had problem with:
First, its treatment of women is.. problematic.
I dont need every book I read to be a shining beacon of feminine prowess, but when there was a line (about fiends, but still) “males tend to be more intelligent, while female are more ferocious” it rubs me the wrong way.

second, it has a hard time showing without telling. an emotion or action resonent much more clearly if we dont immidiately get a detailed explenation “she was happy because..”.

Thirdly, I didnt connect to any of the characters. It isnt a must, but it helps any book/media of story telling.

I had a few other problems, but those above are my main ones.

tl;dr – had funny parts and it own uniqueness, but lack of empathy, demeaning action towards women, and some story telling elements prevented this book to reach its potential