What would have made Obligations Incurred better?
Not so campy, cut back on the cheesy dialog. cut back or kill off lame characters that were brought into the story that were particularly unbelievable and cringe worthy. get back to
writing with a greater similarity to the first book in series.
Would you ever listen to anything by Blaise Corvin again?
At this point I don’t know, i liked the first book for the most part. but if the writing and character development keeps going this way i would have to pass on future installments.
What about Jeff Hays’s performance did you like?
the reading performer has a broad range of voices and accents. He also does a good job acting out the different parts, giving personality to the written text.
Any additional comments?
this was obviously not for me, had some good parts and there was a possibility for a good story that just got too cheesy and somewhat unbelievable, and for a fan of scifi/fantasy that is a true feat.