Heads up, this is not romance. It’s dark, but not the darkest. In case you missed it, this book takes place on an island meant to train CRIMINALS. This is straight up a starter Stockholm read, and there’s nothing wrong with that if it’s what you’re into. Which I am.

Now, if you’ve read criminal college books before, you’re going to see some similarities. I picked up on a few but the book was still unique. I’ve been reading this duo for quite some time, they really got me hooked on the bully genre, so I am used to their writing style and the direction their content can go.

I cannot express enough that this book is more dark than romance. Do not take it lightly, you will regret it. Q is an absolute worm, he’s despicable and I’m not sure I’ll warm up to him. Aspen is a walking tragedy and my heart hurt for her. I’m hoping things shape up in book two, I didn’t hate it but I’m concerned.


Book one was not NEARLY as rough. DDQ was emphatically so.

I still feel so terrible for Aspen and that cliffhanger was so brutal. If this is your genre of choice there’s a good chance you’re gonna love this series, if you’re coming in new? You will probably not have a good time.


I finally warmed up a bit to Quinton but I still think he’s a twerp. There was more romance to the dynamic this time around and I sighed wistfully more than once. This book covers the aftermath of what was done to Aspen, how it dug in and left scars on both of them. INTENSE.